I wrote my letter to Dr. Gentili, as I posted last week, and I sent it off on Monday. I received an email from the Dr. on Wednesday that he's not certain he can get me in for surgery in April, but I'm on the list. I let him know that I was having 3 MRIs and would send him the results...
3 MRI's - I know last post I only talked about 1. The head MRI was ordered by the dr. on call at emerg. I had that one today. On Monday I received a reply from Dr. Heffez about my MRI that I sent to him a couple weeks ago. He recommended also having a cervical and lumbar spine MRI done to check for narrowing of the spine and tethered cord. I happened to have an appointment with my GP on Tuesday so I had him order those 2 MRIs as well. Dr. Heffez also gave me a more accurate estimated cost ~$61,000 for an assessment and surgery. YIKES!! So far as I know I didn't win any lotteries and I don't think getting a second mortgage is a good option, especially should something unexpected happen and I'm in the hospital longer than anticipated or need more surgery than the decompression. And I also don't think I could raise and save enough money in a short period of time to have the surgery as soon as I need it done. And if I'm lying in a hospital in the US worrying about how much it is going to cost how will I concentrate on getting better. No, I had made up my mind before I even received Dr. Heffez's email. Toronto it is.
What else to report on? The weeks just fly by lately. I'm not really busy, but busy resting as much as possible. I had a fairly good week, not a lot of headache pain. I had my massage on Wednesday and my RMT found my tight muscles and tendons as always. I went to yoga on Friday. I didn't feel quite as relaxed after class as I did the first week, but we were doing some different movements. I spent a good part of Saturday with my sister-in-law Jen at the mall doing our best to put a dent in the gift cards I received at Christmas. Another 2 new sweaters, a long sleeved-t, 2 camis and a pair of yoga pants. And I still have more shopping to do! I'm going to be the best dressed person at work! Or at least one of them! I love to look professional and having received gift cards for that purpose the last 2 Christmas' has really expanded my wardrobe. A few little items, like a good white dress shirt, and I've got everything I need.
It rained today. Yes, in Thunder Bay, in January, it was +3C and raining. Which turned to freezing rain, then sleet / slush, and finally snow. Very bizarre weather for January. Tomorrow's drive will prove to be interesting. Thank goodness I only have 5 km to travel.
Oh!! I nearly forgot!! I'm truly a blessed person. My male boss came back to town on Monday for some Discoveries etc. And he brought me a gift. His wife made me a quilt!!! Just for me!! And it has frogs on it!
He asked my sister-in-law Rose what I liked, and she of course told him frogs.

So he had his wife make me the most beautiful quilt, he says, to help me stay warm while I'm recovering. I was beyond touched. I had to bite my cheek so I wouldn't cry. For someone who has the reputation as being such a tough guy to work for, such a bear of a personality, I sure found the teddy bear within. I would never in a million years expected something so beautiful, so thoughtful, so heartfelt from him. I am blessed and humbled by his compassion. I had a beautiful thank you card tucked away so I sent that off to his wife in Arizona to thank her, and him again too, for their support through all of this. There aren't nearly enough people in the world like them.
Here's a close up of the froggies:
It really is a beautiful quilt!! I've been telling everyone about it. And the other night when I slept in the spare room (Thomas had a cold and kept sneezing in his sleep!) I put it on the bed extra to keep me warm. I love it. And I might just bring it with me to TO when I go for surgery. Something to remind me of how lucky I really am. I have such a wonderful family, great friends and fantastic bosses and colleagues. Plus two whole other online families on the forums I belong to who are always there with prayers and support whenever I need it. One of the posters on one forum shared this poem with the group when I put out a plea for hugs last week. It says it all.
B. Y. Williams
When trouble comes your soul to try
You love the friend who just “stands by”.
Perhaps there’s nothing that he can do -
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone;
Times when love cannot smooth the road
Nor friendship lift the heavy load,
But just to know you have a friend
Who will “stand by” until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is always yours -
It helps, someway, to pull you through,
Although there’s nothing that he can do.
And so with fervent heart you cry’
“God bless the friend who just ‘stands by’!”
B. Y. Williams
When trouble comes your soul to try
You love the friend who just “stands by”.
Perhaps there’s nothing that he can do -
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone;
Times when love cannot smooth the road
Nor friendship lift the heavy load,
But just to know you have a friend
Who will “stand by” until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is always yours -
It helps, someway, to pull you through,
Although there’s nothing that he can do.
And so with fervent heart you cry’
“God bless the friend who just ‘stands by’!”
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